One-day seminar on battery technology.

Norwegian Chemical Society (NKS) Rogaland and University of Stavanger (UiS) are planning a one-day seminar on battery technology, Battery Day. The purpose of the seminar is to update the participants with information about today’s battery technology activities, which are wide and of high interest in Norway. The seminar will be free and open to all, and we want to invite especially UiS students. Last year’s event was a success!
Battery technology is a broad field, which includes electronics, computer science, material science, recycling technology, product design etc. in addition to pure and applied chemistry and physics. We want to invite a broad range of academic and industrial researchers, CTOs and tech people to hold a presentation showcasing their activities and interests. This will be an opportunity for companies to bring information about future knowledge demands.
Hopefully, such an event can create an interest among students for the study in this area, provide an overview of what jobs are needed, and to offer a possibility for students to meet people from the industry. We already have three generations of students studying BSc. programme in battery and energy technology.
- 09.15-09.30 Opening remarks
- 09.30-10.15 Panel discussion: Fride Vullum-Bruer (SINTEF), Hanne Flåtten Anderssen (IFE) and Mariann-Meinich Bache (Beyonder)
- 10.15-10.35 Coffee break
- 10.35-10.55 Dorthe Ravensbæck (Aarhus University): Towards sustainable Na-ion battery cathodes
- 10.55-11.15 Fan Huang (CealTech): CealTech graphene and its application in battery
- 11.15-11.35 Ann-Mari Svensson (NTNU): Electrochemistry of battery materials
- 11.35-12.35 Lunch break and mingling
- 12.35-12.55 Nils Wagner (SINTEF): Aqueous processing of cathodes for LIBs
- 12.55-13.15 Amalie Skurtveit (University of Oslo): Anodes for Na batteries
- 13.15-13.35 Coffee break
- 13.35-13.55 Jonas Grill (University of Stavanger): Interphases of high energy density anodes
- 13.55-14.10 Pål Runde (Battery Norway): The battery Industry - status and outlook
- 14.10-14.25 Closing remarks
- 14.25-15.15 Tour of Battery Lab at UiS
Local organizing committee
Department of Energy and Petroleum Engineering
Department of Chemistry, Bioscience and Environmental Engineering