Researcher breakfast: THNK - a science based crash course in science communication

Thursday 2 February 2023 09:00-10:00,
KE A-259.


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THNK - a science based crash course in science communication

About the event

Jo Røislien is both an academic and a professional communicator. He is professor of medical statistics at the Faculty of Health Science, along with extensive experience from mass media and  large-scale science communication. Røislien has hosted and developed several tv-series on national broadcasters like NRK, Discovery Channel and VGTV, and contributes regularly on radio, tv and in the written press as a science communicator. Røislien has received multiple awards for his innovative way of communicating science.  

The last couple of years Røislien has been project manager for research project "Covid Communication: Fighting a pandemic through translating science (COVCOM)", performing both qualitative and quantitative research into effective large-scale knowledge dissemination, using the recent corona virus pandemic as a case study. 

In his talk Røislien will present results from this research project -- including a practical checklist for effective science communication. A checklist called THNK. 

The event is open for researchers, PhD candidates and anyone else interested.

The event is full. Contact Marit Fosse if you wish to be put on the waiting list.

Breakfast will be served.

Please contact the coordinators for any questions: Marit Fosse or Inger Gåsemyr.

About Researcher Breakfast

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Start your workday with inspiring sessions while enjoying your breakfast!
- meet other researchers
- expand your network
- catch up on the latest research at UiS
- get useful tips and training

The Researcher Breakfast is a series of webinars/events aimed at researchers, PhD students and anyone else interested. 
Hosted by the Research Department and the University Library.