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Together with Wallaga University in Ethiopia, UiS is part of the education project INDMEET (Institutional Network for Design and Manufacturing Education & Training). Now the first PhD candidate from Ethiopia has completed their degrees.
Øyvind Time's master's thesis can help make everyday life easier for healthcare personnel who must learn how to take a fluid sample from the spinal cord or administer an epidural.
Bridging between academia and industry, equipping students with knowledge and skills to make a meaningful impact in the transition towards a sustainable future.
Omid Karari Karadeh is a student at City and Regional Planning, and had a project work in collaboration with local businesses. – Absolutely essential to make contact while they're students, a city planner in Stavanger Municipality says.
The FLeD project aims to facilitate the design of effective flexible learning scenarios for Faculty.
The InGenious programme serves as a platform to engage the industry in our study programmes and bridge the gap between the academic world and the corporate sector, complementing our strategy and mission.
How can European universities achieve a deeper, longer-term and flexible form of cooperation? With EU support, the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU) is set to explore this question and the possibility for a European status for European Universities.
The Interdisciplinary, Interprofessional and Practice-Near Research School - Shaping Future Welfare
Literacy instruction and creative writing are combined in AILIT, by cutting-edge use of AI and principles from game design.
The 5-year NORPART project AI-ESI aims to make a contribution by conducting joint activities between the partner universities in Norway, Egypt, and Palestine. Academic cooperation will target educational programmes development, teaching, research and supervision, and mutual virtual and physical student/researcher mobility.
In the course "Economics of Motivation" the students get to try themselves as consultants in working life to test theories in practice. The assignments are based on how companies motivate their employees, and the students must analyze and recommend measures that can increase motivation. The best report was awarded NOK 40,000 in the Sandnes Sparebank Case Competition on November 24.
Once again this year, students in the course "Economics of Motivation" had the opportunity to work as consultants in the workplace to test theories in practice. The assignments are based on how companies motivate their employees, and the students are tasked with analyzing and recommending measures that can increase motivation. The best reports were presented in the finals of the Sandnes Sparebank Case Competition at the UiS Business School on November 14th.
På vegne av Universitetet I Stavanger og Bjergsted Trombonelaug er det en stor glede å ønske musikkstudenter ved høyskoler/universiteter, profesjonelle utøvere og pedagoger velkommen til Bjergsted Brass Festival i uke 38 – 2024.
Dette året har vi lykkes å skaffe oss mange fantastiske gjesteartister og gjesteensembler. Årets tema er “Early Brass” og vi vil fremføre repertoar både på moderne og på historiske messinginstrumenter.
The Faculty of Arts and Education hosted a visit by a group of academic and administrative staff from An-Najah National University in Nablus, Palestine from 24.-28. April 2017. The aim was to strenghten the existing partnership and explore new cooperation possibilities within arts, humanities and educational sciences.
When Zeina Ousamah Jaber (20) of Palestine arrived to study at the University of Stavanger in 2016, she came to a grey and cold place. She felt all alone and sad. «Now I just want to stay here forever because I am enjoying it so much», she says.
UiS exchanges students and staff with An-Najah National University in Nablus, Palestine, through an Erasmus+ cooperation agreement.
Uniped is a scientific unit at University of Stavanger. Our primary function is to enhance the quality of education and support the professional development of academic staff in alignment with national guidelines and UiS's commitment to educational excellence.
The UiS is holder of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education and participates in all dimensions of the Erasmus+ programme. Erasmus+ is the central mobility grants programme for outgoing and incoming students of our institution.