The faculties' annual handling of and reporting on the portfolio

The faculty's portfolio report must contain an overall assessment of the portfolio and how it is anchored in strategy and action plans.

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The assessments must start by following the commisioning and guidelines from the board, build on aggregated results- and quality data at programme and portfolio-level and show status and improvement areas in programmes and portfolio. This must be an annual systematic review of all studies included in the faculty's portfolio (half-year studies, yearly studies, bachelor-, master's- and Ph.D.-programmes, and further educations).

The annual handling and reporting on the portfolio at the faculty. 

ParticipantsDepartment- and faculty management, faculty board 
Time Deadline for submission to the division of academic affairs: August 7th. 
Purpose Assessment of the portfolio of the faculty, changes and dimensioning of the programmes. 
DataThe programme reports from the faculty,Results from completed student evaluations aggregated to portfolio level, Selected results data
FormDialogue in the faculty board regarding the status and further development of the faculty's portfolio, establisments, dicontinuations and dimensioning
DocumentationThe faculty's portfolio report,Decision in the faculty board
The faculty's portfolio reports makes the main foundation for the annual case to the board regarding status and development in the portfolio and the quality work.