Handelshøgskolen ved UiS seminar: Simon Says - Kjønnsforskjellar

Onsdag 29. mars 2023 kl. 12:15-13:15,
Elise Ottesen-Jensens Hus,
EOJ 276/277, Zoom.

Avdeling for samfunnsøkonomi og finans. Seminaret foregår på engelsk.

Publisert Sist oppdatert
Siri Isaksson

Namn: Siri Isaksson

Frå: Norges Handelshøyskole, NHH

Tittel: Simon Days: Examining gender differences in advice seeking and influence in the lab. (With Emma Heikensten)

Siri Isaksson
Tid og stad

Dato: 29. mars

Kl.: 1215-1315

Stad: Elise Ottesen-Jensens Hus, rom 276/277

Abstrakt (på engelsk):

Advice seeking is an important part of both professional and personal decision making. In this paper, we investigate gender differences in the propensity to seek costly advice and if the gender of the advisor influences this decision. Over two treatments, we vary the amount of information that advisees receive about advisors on the quality of their advice. We also use two types of questions, mathematical and verbal, to test the effect of stereotyped domains. Our findings suggest that women seek less advice than men. This result is driven by men seeking more advice on verbal tasks, and women seeking less advice when information about it's quality is introduced. Furthermore, the advisor's gender does not influence the decision to seek advice and we do not find that advisees seek more (or less) advice from advisors of the same gender.

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