PhD Complete – Skills to Finalise Your Thesis

PhD Complete is a workshop series offered by UiS to support you throughout your PhD journey. The goal is simple: to assist you in completing your PhD.

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Along the way, you will acquire new skills and have the opportunity to connect with fellow PhD candidates. Some workshops will be offered every year.

In addition, we will host pop-up transferable skills workshops. You find all upcoming workshops in the course calendar. Registration links will be provided in advance of each workshop. 

Join us for one or several of our courses. Gain knowledge and build your network while working on your PhD! 

PhD Complete and Pop-up Workshops

Shut up & write for PhDs

Wed. 30.10.2024


Universitetsbiblioteket, Studieverkstedet

PhD workshop: Academic writing and "kappe"

Thu. 07.11 09:30

fri. 08.11 15:30

Kjell Arholms house

How to write the “kappe”?

Fri. 08.11.2024


Kjell Arholms hus

PhD Complete: Fundamentals of Academic Writing and the Writing Process

Tue. 12.11.2024


Universitetsbiblioteket, campus Ullandhaug

Shut up & write for PhDs

Wed. 13.11.2024


Universitetsbiblioteket, Studieverkstedet

Shut up & write for PhDs

Wed. 27.11.2024


Universitetsbiblioteket, Studieverkstedet

Staying Well and Being Productive

Fri. 29.11.2024



PhD Workshop: On Stage - voice, body, language and nerves

Mon. 02.12 09:00

tue. 03.12 12:30

UiS Campus
AR V-209

Shut up & write for PhDs

Wed. 11.12.2024


Universitetsbiblioteket, Studieverkstedet

Workshops from the University Library

Webinar: Introduction to Rayyan (NO)

Wed. 13.11.2024



Workshops throughout the year:

in september

PhD Get Started

Recommended for PhDs in their 1st year. Familiarise yourself with the different stages, key milestones, and main challenges of doctoral training.


During the PhD Get Started seminar, you will learn about your rights and duties as a PhD candidate and hear from key people who will support you through your time as a PhD candidate. This is also a great opportunity to meet other PhD candidates.

in september

Introduction to Research Data Management Planning

Recommended for PhDs in their 1st year. Do you want to work effectively with your research data during your PhD project?


Are you unsure of how to manage your data well in order to comply with data management requirements from UiS and (if applicable) external funders?

In this workshop, we will discuss what a data management plan is and what the benefits are, and you will get the opportunity to start on your own data management plan.  

in october

GDPR and IT security in Data Handling

Recommended for PhDs in their 1st year. Are you unsure of how to collect and store your research data securely and in accordance with data privacy regulations? And do you want to become more aware of risks related to using different AI tools?


In this workshop, we address how to classify your own research data and help you determine appropriate data collection, processing, and storage services available at UiS. For researchers working with personal data, we will present the Norwegian data protection regulations and walk you through how to make sure that your project is GDPR compliant.

in october

How to write the “kappe”?

Recommended for PhDs in their 2nd/3rd year. An article-based thesis comprises not only the articles aimed at publication, but also the narrative (“kappe”) that is intended to convince your examiners that you have successfully met the criteria to become a doctor.


In this workshop, we reflect on what your examiners want to you demonstrate, discuss how to approach the writing process, and look at the elements of a good “kappe”. The workshop is hosted by Lynn Nygaard. 

in november

Fundamentals of Academic Writing and the Writing Process

Recommended for PhDs in their 1st/2nd year. In this workshop, we reflect on (1) the style and structure of academic papers and (2) the writing process.


In addition to focusing on what is generally considered as good academic style and a well-organized paper, we discuss how to find out how to write in your specific discipline. We finish the seminar by an overview of the writing process and strategies on how to handle this process.

in november

Staying Well and Being Productive

Recommended for all. During this digital workshop, you will learn evidence-based strategies that will help you navigate the challenges of doctoral studies while maintaining your mental health.


in january

The Publishing Process from A to Z

Recommended for PhDs in their 1st/2nd year. Are you publishing for the first time? And are you unsure of requirements for open access publishing or selecting your journal?


In this workshop, we will go through some basics of publishing, paths to open access, and UiS initiatives and support functions. We will show you how to report your research for assessment and how to create your personal Orcid identifier. Finally, we will take a look at approaches to peer review and how to get through it.

in february

Get Your Message Across: How to Present an Argument

Recommended for all. A logical and clear argument is key to a good paper.


Learn more about how to successfully communicate your message by organizing your argument and by backing it up with evidence during this workshop.

in february

PhD Get Started

Recommended for PhDs in their 1st year. Familiarise yourself with the different stages, key milestones, and main challenges of doctoral training.


During the PhD Get Started seminar, you will learn about your rights and duties as a PhD candidate and hear from key people who will support you through your time as a PhD candidate. This is also a great opportunity to meet other PhD candidates.

in march

Plan Your Research Stay Abroad

Recommended for PhDs in their 1st/2nd year. Learn tips and tricks for your research stay abroad.


Learn about the UiS mobility guidelines, funding, and how a research stay abroad can benefit your researcher career.

in may

How to Revise Your Paper: Editing and Proofreading Strategies

Recommended for all. Revising your paper is the final step of the writing process.


During this workshop, we go through useful strategies for editing and proofreading one’s own paper. Afterwards, you have time to work on your own paper. You do not have to be entirely done with your draft to participate but can work on parts of your paper during the workshop.

all year round

Shut up & write for PhDs

Join us for Shut up & write and keep your writing going!


Are you working on your PhD but having trouble finding time to write?

We meet every other week in the Study Lab (KE B-001/Studieverkstedet) downstairs in the library to get our work done. The “shut up and write” method combines intensive writing sessions with well-deserved breaks, keeping you focused when you need to be: 

Until 9.00: Get your workplace ready. 

9.00-9.10: Short introduction: What do you want to work on today? 

9.10-9.50: Shut up and write I 

9.50-10.00: Break 

10.00-10.40: Shut up and write II 

10.40-10.50: Break 

10.50-11.30: Shut up and write III 

Bring your laptop, water, and everything you need for the working session, coffee is on us. No sign up needed. 

Feel free to contact Hannah Tischmann if you have any questions. 

Writing Groups for PhDs and Individual Guidance from the Library

Writing groups

Are you interested in joining a writing group for PhDs where you meet for a few hours each week to stay motivated, share your experiences, and get feedback on your own text? Send an e-mail to the library.

Individual guidance from the library

The library offers individual guidance in

  • literature search
  • data management
  • open science
  • academic writing.

Visit the library’s homepage to find out more. Welcome!

Contact us:

Senior Research Librarian
KE A-287
Division of Research
Stavanger University Library
Division of Research
Research Department