Software and Services

The University of Stavanger offers several free software packages and services for students attending UiS.

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Office 365 is a collection of online apps and services that you can use to be productive with different devices from almost anywhere. All students at UiS have free access to Office 365.

Sign in to Office 365:

  • Username is [student number]
  • Password is Your Feide password

You can install the desktop version of the Office apps on up to 5 private devices. See instructions here.

Microsoft support and training

When you are no longer a student at UiS, all access to Office 365 will be deactivated.

The e-mail system at UiS is based on Office 365, and we recommend Outlook as the default e-mail program. Outlook can be run both in a browser (webmail) and as locally installed software on PC or mobile devices.

Sign in to Outlook:

  • Username is [student number]
  • Password is Your Feide password

Outlook help & learning

Students receive a UiS e-mail address that is valid as long as they are students at UiS. It is only to this e-mail address that you will receive messages from UiS. It is therefore very important that the student e-mail is checked regularly. Access to the email account will be closed 30 days after you are registered as completed or quit.

OneDrive for Business is a place where you can save, sync and share work files. With OneDrive for Business, part of Office 365, you can update and share your files from anywhere and work with others on the same Office documents at the same time. All students at UiS have free access to OneDrive.

Sign in to Onedrive for Business:

  • Username is [student number]
  • Password is your Feide password

Onedrive help & learning

Microsoft Teams gives your the opportunity to interact and collaborate in groups. You can:

  • chat, have video conferece & share pc screens
  • share files
  • work simultaneously in the same document
  • plan work tasks
  • arrange meetings
  • easily invite with external partners

Sign in to Teams:

  • Username is [student number]
  • Password is your Feide password

Safe Exam Browser (SEB) is a secure browser that must be installed if you are to bring your own computer for the school exam. This program blocks access to resources on your computer during exams. Information on how to download the Safe Exam Browser can be found on the Inspera assessment website.

To test the installation of a secure browser, you can go to and sign in with the FEIDE user to then complete the demo test «Demonstration with a secure browser». Enter the code uis123 to get access to the Demo test.

You can also follow Inspera video guide on How to test Safe Exam Browser to get started with SEB.

Is your browser and operating system supported?

Check here  (These requirements are continuously updated). Chromebook is not supported by UiS!

EndNote is a reference tool - a program for storing, registering, organizing and using literature references.

Endnote can be installed from the software library Sign in with your UiS username and password.

Check out the University library page for Endnote course and help.

NVivo is an analysis tool used in qualitative research. NVivo is software that can be used to encode text, audio, image and video. NVivo can also be used to transcribe.

NVivo can be installed from the software library Sign in with your UiS username and password.

Nvivo help & support

SPSS Statistics is a powerful statistical software platform. SPSS Amos is a powerful structural equation modeling software.

SPSS Statistics and Amos can be installed from the software library Sign in with your UiS username and password. Follow the user guide (.pdf file) you will find in software library.

Read more about SPSS Statistics

Read more about SPSS Amos

SurveyXact is a tool for production, distribution and analysis of surveys and registrations. All UiS students have free access to SurveyXact.

Sign in to SurveyXact:

  • Username is your student number
  • Password is your Feide password

User manual for SurveyXact

Nettskjema logo

Nettskjema is a tool for data collection through surveys and audio recordings. All UiS students have free access to Nettskjema.

Sign in to Nettskjema:

  • Brukernavn er studentnummeret ditt
  • Passord er ditt Feide passord

Les mer om Nettskjema