All inbound exchange and internship students must be nominated by their home institutions before coming to University of Stavanger. Nominations without an agreement is not accepted.

Autumn semester
The nomination portal is open from 1 March - 1 May
1 April
Students doing practice placement within Social Work
Students applying to the Faculty of Performing Arts
1 May
Studies commencing in the autumn semester (August - December)
Students doing practice placement in Nursing, Midwifery, or Paramedics should apply as early as possible
Spring semester
The nomination portal is open from 1 September - 1 November
1 October
Students doing practice placement within Social Work
Students applying to the Faculty of Performing Arts
1 November
Studies commencing in the spring semester (January - June)
Students doing practice placement in Nursing, Midwifery, or Paramedics should apply as early as possible
International Office
Solvor Sleveland
Phone: +47 51 83 27 56
Daniel Sundnes Drønen
Phone: +47 51 83 22 69
Faculty of Performing Arts
Lena C. Haug
Phone: +47 51 83 40 00
Faculty of Health Sciences
Department of Social Sciences
Heidi Lie Eriksen
Phone: +47 51 83 28 40
Are you a student applying for exchange to University of Stavanger?
Please note that the following guide is for your home university coordinators. Check out our main page for incoming exchange and our application guide for students for everything you need to know about exchange with us.