Did you know FILIORUM is latin and means "for children"?
Research projects
ECEC research at the University of Stavanger
SELMA - Social and Emotional Learning & Life Mastery in Early Childhood Education and Care
In SELMA, researchers and employees in Norwegian Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) centers collaborate to develo...
Impact Case: WiKIT: Transforming Children’s Learning with evidence-based EdTech
WiKIT is a social enterprise that was spun off from the University of Stavanger, and was created with the goal to bridge...
Now you can register for the world's largest conference on bullying
Registration is now open for the World Anti-Bullying Forum (WABF), which will take place in Stavanger from June 11-13, 2...
Shy children's well-being in childcare
Attending childcare for the first time can be extra challenging for shy children. To support shy children's well-being a...
Problem-solving in kindergarten
Problem-solving is about finding solutions to all kind of problems. It can be seen as a basic strategy for addressing bo...
Video abstracts
In this selection of video abstracts, we provide a glimpse into exciting and important research topics about early child...
Externally funded projects
FILIORUM - Center for Research in Early Childhood Education and Care leads and participates in a number of projects, bot...
Children’s experiences of smells and scents
Odors change as the weather changes. Rain or sunshine, there are interesting smells, both outside and inside, to discove...
DiCoTe: Increasing professional Digital Competence in ECTE with focus on enriching and supporting children’s play with coding toys
The DiCoTe project aims to increase digital competence in Norwegian kindergartens by developing resources that can be us...
New team for Reading Research Quarterly
Four editors representing four countries to helm flagship journal.
Research articles from the Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment
A selection of research articles from the Centre. Use the DOI-link to read abstract.
New report: Nordic Approaches to Evaluation and Assessment in Early Childhood Education and Care
Is there a common Nordic model or a characteristic Nordic approach to evaluation and assessment of quality in early chil...
Young children creating animated movies
A creative process with digital technology is a complex process consisting of traditional non-digital and new digital ac...
Sensory books – Coming back to our senses to transform children’s digital reading
This cutting-edge project researches the power of smells and scents to transform children’s reading.
SELMA - Social and Emotional Learning & Life Mastery in Early Childhood Education and Care
In SELMA, researchers and employees in Norwegian Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) centers will collaborate to d...
The Agder Project
Can Norwegian daycare centers improve children's developmental trajectories by more systematically cultivate key school ...
Children's digital books
To read books together with young children is a common activity – both in early childhood settings and at home. Many chi...
Playful learning
The researchers in this project aim to create a scientifically based playful learning curriculum for 5-year-olds in dayc...