Find your way around campus

The campus guide when visiting the University of Stavanger.

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Visit UiS

Sykkelparkering utenfor Hulda Garborgs hus. Foto: Mari Hult

There are bicycle parking areas at several locations on campus. (Photo: Mari Hult)

Use MazeMap to find the room or the auditorium you are looking for when visiting UiS! The map also contains other important information about the buildings and outdoor spaces.

We recommend using public transportation or bicycles to get to the university campus. Parking options at the Ullandhaug campus are limited.

The Faculty of Performing Arts is located in Bjergsted, and the Archaeological Museum is situated in Våland in downtown Stavanger.

Opening Hours

The buildings on the campus are open to the public from 07:45 AM to 8:00 PM. After 8:00 PM, a key card is required for access. The alarm is set at 11:00 PM. The alarm doesn't apply to the University Library, which operates with its own opening hours.


Information about accessibility in public buildings can be found at "Bygg for alle" (Buildings for Everyone). Enter the full or partial name of the building you want to know more about in the search field.

Dining locations at Campus Ullandhaug

The dining services provided on campus can offer good and affordable options to most students. Most of the student cantinas are operated by Studentsamskipnaden i Stavanger, SiS Cafe.

bilde fra en kantine

Opening hours 


Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am – 7:30 pm
Friday 8:00 am – 3:00 pm


Monday - Friday:  8:00 am - 2:15 pm


Monday - Friday: 8:00 am – 3.00 pm


Monday - Friday: 7:45 am – 1:15 pm


Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am – 6:30 pm
Friday: 8:00 am – 5:30 pm

Student Cantina in Hagbard Line-huset

SiS kafé offers affordable and healthy food. They can offer salads, vegetarian food, pizza, sandwiches and various cold dishes. 

The "Book Café" in Kjølv Egelands hus offers tea and espresso-based coffee drinks. You can also enjoy smoothies, wine, beer and other cold beverages in a comfortable atmosphere.

Faculty of Performing Arts

Located in the beautiful green surroundings of Bjergsted Park, close to the centre of Stavanger, Faculty of Performing Arts is neighbour and partner to the city's cultural life.

Fakultet for utøvende kunstfag, campus Bjergsted

Other park «residents» include the Stavanger Symphony Orchestra, The Stavanger Concert House, and Stavanger Performing Arts School, as well as the Stavanger Concert Society and the Norwegian Institute of Recorded Sound.

Faculty of Performing Arts has more than 200 students pursuing a range of courses in classical music, jazz, voice, music education, dance education and music production and recording.

Contact information

Phone: +47 51 83 40 00
Fax: +47 51 83 40 50


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