PhD in Educational Sciences and Humanities

The PhD programme in Educational Sciences and Humanities encompasses two research disciplines that overlap in some areas, but which also each have their own distinctive characteristics.

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Admission requirements

Master's degree


Three years

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Overview of start-ups and milstones in the PhD programme (pdf).

The PhD programme in educational sciences and humanities encompasses two research disciplines that overlap in some areas, but which also each have their own distinctive characteristics.  

Educational sciences has a particular focus on research into childhood and adolescence, learning, teaching, general education and formal education from kindergarten through to higher education, and encompasses disciplines such as pedagogy, didactics, special education, sociology, psychology and history.

The humanities focuses on research into expressions of the human mind and human society and culture in the broadest sense, both past and present, and includes disciplines such as history, religious studies, literature and languages.

The PhD programme thus allows for both in-depth, specialised research within one of these areas and interdisciplinary investigations that traverse traditional boundaries.

Admission requirements

The general conditions for admission are set out in section 2-1 of the University of Stavanger’s PhD Regulations.

In addition, the following requirements apply to admission to the PhD programme in educational sciences and humanities:

  • An average weighted grade of B or higher from the (last) two years of the master’s degree
  • A grade of B or higher on the master’s thesis

In addition to the formal qualifications, importance will be attached to the quality of the proposed PhD project and relevant academic work.

Applicants who do not meet these formal criteria may exceptionally be admitted on special assessment. Importance will be attached to the academic supervisor’s documented ability to ensure the PhD candidates finish their PhD work.  It must be specified how the department/center intends to follow up the PhD candidate and ensure completion.

Read more about admission to PhD programmes.

Courses autumn 2024

Below you will find an overview of relevant PhD-courses planned for the autumn term 2024.

If you are already a PhD candidate at UiS you can either register in Studentweb or use the application form below in order to apply for these courses.

All external candidates must use the application form and send their paperwork to

See all PhD-courses at the University of Stavanger.

Read more about DUH157 Contemporary perspectives on Diversity
Dates: 10th-11th of September, 15th-16th of October and 19th of November 2024
Application deadline: 26th of August 2024
Course coordinators: Geir Skeie and Hildegunn Fandrem

Read more about DUH225 Research Design
Dates: 16th-19th of September 2024
Application deadline: 2nd of September
Course coordinator: Arne Olav Nygard

Read more about DUH221 Educational Sciences
Dates: 9th-10th of October, 24th-25th of October 2024
Application deadline: 25th of September
Course coordinator: Ketil Knutsen

Read more about DUH100 Systematic review
Dates: 28th-30th of October
Application deadline: 14th of October
Course coordinator: May Irene F. Klippen

Read more about DUH205 Research ethics
Dates: November 4-6
Application deadline: 21st of October

Course coordinator: Ulrich Dettweiler

Read more about DUH605 Research ethics
Dates: November 4-6
Application deadline: 21st of October

Course coordinator: Ulrich Dettweiler

Read more about DUH280 Themes in environmental humanities
Dates: 2nd-6th of December
Application deadline: 11th of November
Course coordinator: Dolly Jørgensen

Read more about NoRS-EH

Read more about DUH120 Introduksjonsemne for ph.d.-kandidater (Norwegian)
Contact: Hein Berdinesen og Jeanette Rollheim

Read more about DUH125 Avslutningsseminar (Norwegian)
Contact: Hein Berdinesen og Jeanette Rollheim

Courses spring 2025

Below you will find an overview of relevant PhD-courses planned for the spring term 2025.

If you are already a PhD candidate at UiS you can either register in Studentweb or use the application form below in order to apply for these courses.

All external candidates must use the application form and send their paperwork to:

Read more about DUH158 Policy implementation as a strategy to improve schools and early childcare
Date: January 14-15 and 29-30

Application deadline: January 2

Course coordinator: Sigrun Karin Ertesvåg

Read more about DUH602 Philosophy of Science

Dates: 20.-24. januar

Application deadline: 6. januar

Course coordinator: Ståle Gundersen

Read more about DUH102 Philosophy of Science

Dates: 20.-24. januar

Application deadline: 6. januar

Course coordinator: Ståle Gundersen

Read more about DUH240 Qualitative research
Dates: March 24-27
Application deadline: March 10

Course coordinator: Hein Berdinesen

Read more about DUH165 Applied Statistics

Dates: TBA

Application deadline: TBA

Course coordinator: TBA

Read more about DUH200 Introduction to Meta-Analysis
Date: May 12-14

Application deadline: April 28

Course coordinator: Serap Keles

Read more about DUH270 Hermeneutics and Phenomenology: Thinking about Method in the Humanities and Social Sciences

Dates: May 22, 23 and 28.

Application deadline: May 8

Course coordinator: Hein Berdinesen

Read more about DUH650 Social and emotional learning
Date: TBA

Application deadline: TBA

Course coordinator: Ingunn Størksen

Read more about DUH120 Introduksjonsemne for ph.d.-kandidater (Norwegian)
Date: TBA

No application deadline
Contact: Hein Berdinesen and Jeanette Rollheim

Read more about DUH125 Avslutningsseminar (Norwegian)

No application deadline
Contact: Hein Berdinesen and Jeanette Rollheim

Guide for PhD Education

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Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty Administration UH
Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty Administration UH
Associate Professor
Faculty of Arts and Education
Department of Education and Sports Science