Master of Science in Mathematics and Physics

Do you have a bachelor's degree in mathematics and physics? Then this is the master's degree for you! Mathematics and physics are the foundation for all technological development, and are used in economics, in social studies and in health.

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About the programme

2 years (4 semesters)

Language of instruction


ECTS credits


Start of studies

August every year

Matte og fysikk

This programme provides you with skills in mathematics, physics and statistics on an advanced level. You will be able to solve complex problems in mathematics and physics. In addition, you will have solid skills in numerical modelling, data analysis and experimental methods to solve problems in the natural sciences, economics, health, social sciences and management. 

Students with a completed degree in mathematics and physics find jobs as specialists in industry, in roles within technical design and innovation, data analysis, mathematical modeling and management. In both the public and private sectors, mathematicians and physicists are in demand for research and development work, particularly for tasks that require advanced mathematics, deduction and problem-solving skills, high precision and deep understanding. 


From the first semester, you choose to specialise in either mathematics or physics. The direction you choose depends on your background and which bachelor's degree you have. 

Career prospects

Mathematicians and Physicists find employment in:

Research and development in industry, for example the energy sector, renewable energy, space technology, climate, bio- and geophysics, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Research, development and teaching in Academia, for example theoretical physics, analysis and development of materials, cosmology, algebraic geometry, mathematical analysis, medical statistics and econometry.

Other jobs in the private and public sector, requiring analytical and mathematical skills, as well as the use of digital tools. Data analyst, health sector, media, finance, insurance sector, logistics, programming.

Teaching in high school, Høgskole (with PPU).

A candidate is eligible for doctoral (Ph.D.) programmes at most universities in Norway and abroad, in Mathematics or Physics, depending on the specialisation chosen.

Learning outcomes

All study programmes at the UiS have a set of defined learning targets. Read more about the learning outcome for this study programme.

After having completed the master’s programme in Mathematics and Physics, the student shall have acquired the following learning outcomes, in terms of knowledge, skills and general competences:


K1: The Candidate has advanced knowledge within the subject areas mathematics and physics

K2: The Candidate has broad knowledge of the scientific theories and methods of the subject areas.

K3: The Candidate has knowledge of the relevant numerical/computational tools and methods that are used in mathematics and physics, as well as experimental methods.

K4: The Candidate has knowledge of how the subject areas mathematics and physics are related to other natural and technological sciences.

K5: The Candidate has specialist knowledge within a smaller area of either mathematics or physics, in connection with the specialization course work and the Master project.


F1: The Candidate is able to analyse scientific problems on the basis of the history, traditions and social position specific to the subject areas.

F2: The Candidate is able to apply his/her knowlegde to carry out concrete computations and reasonings, and thereby derive results within central parts of the subject areas mathematics and physics, both for familiar and new problems.

F3: The Candidate is able to use relevant computational tools to analyse problems in mathematics and physics.

F4: The Candidate is able to apply relevant research methods and the subject matter in an independent and critical way, and to formulate and structure scientific reasoning.

F5: The Candidate is able to carry out a scientific investigation under supervision and in line with the ethical and scientific standards of the subject areas.

F6: The Candidate is able to communicate independent scientifc work, including own work, and master the terminology of the subject areas, orally and in writing.

General Competence

G1: The Candidateis able to analyse numerical data also outside his/her own subject areas.

G2: The Candidate is able to analyse and present complex problems in a logical and structured way.

G3: The Candidate is able to work independently, and to find and acquire advanced knowledge independently.

Study plan and courses

Already a student? Find the full study programme description and study plan here

Academic requirements

A bachelor´s degree within one of the following disciplines is required:

  • Mathematics
  • Physics

Applicants with another bachelor’s degree may also be considered if they document at least 120 ECTS credits in mathematics and physics.

Admission to this master's programme requires a minimum grade average comparable to a Norwegian C (according to ECTS Standards) in your bachelor's degree. Applicants with a result Second-class lower Division or lower are not qualified for admission.

Supplementary rules for admission (PDF)

Application and admission

Student exchange

By going on exchange to one of our partner institutions abroad as part of your studies, you will have an opportunity to get a unique education. In addition to improving your career opportunities, you grow as a person and gain the ability to greater reflect on the topics you study as part of your degree. All about exchange

Students can study abroad during the 2nd semester of the master's programme in mathematics and physics. This semester consists of 30 ECTS credits of electives. During the exchange semester you can choose courses similar the master program specialisation. The courses you want to study abroad must be approved by the department. It is important that the courses from abroad not overlap with courses you have already completed. Some advice is to think about your specialisation and your field of interest.

The application deadline to study abroad during the 2nd semester, is September 1 in the 1st semester.

More opportunities

In addition to the recommended universities listed below, UiS has a number of agreements with universities outside Europe that are applicable to all students at UiS, provided that they find relevant courses. Within the Nordic region, all students can use the Nordlys and Nordtek networks. Find out more.

Contact your Study Adviser at the Faculty if you have questions about guidance and pre-approval of courses: Helene Nicolaisen

General questions about exchange: Go to the exchange guide in the Digital student service desk

Student exchange

  • All countries

    Københavns Universitet

    København er et populært studiested for nordmenn, ikke minst på grunn av den geografiske og språklige nærheten til Norge.

    Technical University of Munich

    The Technical University of Munich, also known as TUM, accounts for major advancements in the field of natural sciences. TUM is one of the best universities in Germany and has several awarded scientists and Nobel Prize winners. The Technical University of Munich strives for excellent teaching and research quality.

    University of Bonn

    Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn har en 200 år lang historie og er å betrakte som et av Tysklands mest anerkjente forskningsuniversitet. Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzche og Konrad Adenauer er bare noen av mange kjente personer som har fått sin grad fra Universitetet i Bonn.

    University of California, Berkeley

    University of California, Berkeley er utvilsamt eit av verdast sterkaste universitet, med samtlege av dei akademiske greinene ranka blant verdas ti beste av Times Higher Education. Du vil garantert få fagleg utbytte av eit studieopphald her.

    University of Jyväskylä

    Jyväskylä Universitet er Finlands ledende innen lærerutdanning. Det er også det eneste universitetet med eget fakultet for «sport and health sciences».

    University of Paderborn

    Enjoy the charm of Paderborn for one semester. You will study close to major European cities such as Brussel and Amsterdam, with the possibility of many indoor and outdoor activities in a friendly and green enviroment.

  • Danmark

    Københavns Universitet

    København er et populært studiested for nordmenn, ikke minst på grunn av den geografiske og språklige nærheten til Norge.

  • Finland

    University of Jyväskylä

    Jyväskylä Universitet er Finlands ledende innen lærerutdanning. Det er også det eneste universitetet med eget fakultet for «sport and health sciences».

  • Tyskland

    Technical University of Munich

    The Technical University of Munich, also known as TUM, accounts for major advancements in the field of natural sciences. TUM is one of the best universities in Germany and has several awarded scientists and Nobel Prize winners. The Technical University of Munich strives for excellent teaching and research quality.

    University of Bonn

    Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn har en 200 år lang historie og er å betrakte som et av Tysklands mest anerkjente forskningsuniversitet. Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzche og Konrad Adenauer er bare noen av mange kjente personer som har fått sin grad fra Universitetet i Bonn.

    University of Paderborn

    Enjoy the charm of Paderborn for one semester. You will study close to major European cities such as Brussel and Amsterdam, with the possibility of many indoor and outdoor activities in a friendly and green enviroment.

  • USA

    University of California, Berkeley

    University of California, Berkeley er utvilsamt eit av verdast sterkaste universitet, med samtlege av dei akademiske greinene ranka blant verdas ti beste av Times Higher Education. Du vil garantert få fagleg utbytte av eit studieopphald her.

Frequently asked questions

What topics are covered? Is there a good student environment at the department?

What areas can I immerse myself in at master's level?

At UiS, at master's level you can immerse yourself in various areas within mathematics and physics. We have strong academic environments in algebraic geometry, mathematical analysis, mathematical statistics, materials physics, cosmology and particle physics and mathematical physics. Read more about our professional environments.

Can I take a bachelor's degree in mathematics and physics?

If you have been admitted to a 5-year master's degree in mathematics and physics, you can choose (in the 5th semester) to complete your studies with a bachelor's degree in mathematics and physics by writing a bachelor's thesis in the 6th semester. This bachelor's degree qualifies, among other things, master's in applied data science and master's in computational engineering at UiS, as well as MSc studies in physics or mathematics at other universities. Bachelors in mathematics and physics from UiS have previously also taken a master's degree in risk management and a master's degree in petroleum technology.

Is there a good student environment at the department?

Sure! As a mathematics and physics student, we recommend that you join Theta: the line association for mathematics and physics students at UiS. The association arranges internal lectures and extracurricular gatherings with a focus on the social, and allows you to take part in a professional environment from which the university itself recruits doctoral fellows. The membership is a diverse assembly with a good gender balance, but has the main emphasis on realists in their twenties.

What do mathematicians and physicists work on after they have finished their studies?

Research, development and teaching in academia, for example theoretical physics, analysis and development of materials, cosmology, algebraic geometry, mathematical analysis, medical statistics and econometrics.
Research and development in industry, such as the oil industry, renewable energy, space technology, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Others work in business and the municipality / state that requires analytical skills and numbers / mathematical understanding and the use of computers. We are collecting more and more data, and understanding numbers is important in order to be able to utilize these in a good way. (Analyst positions, finance and insurance industry, sports, health and medicine and more)
Teaching at upper secondary level.

Do the business community and the public sector in the region employ mathematicians and physicists?

Of course! Many local companies and public institutions employ mathematicians and physicists, including: Equinor, Lyse, SR Bank, Schlumberger, Laerdal Medical, NORCE, ConocoPhilips, Safetec, Veritas, SUS, Upper Secondary Schools, UiS and more.

Student life at UiS


KE C-103
Faculty of Science and Technology
Faculty Administration TN
Kontor for utdanningsadministrative tjenester
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Mathematics and Physics