Faculty affiliated with the Centre.
Visiting faculty
Ph.d. students
Researchers from Norce associated with the centre

Kjersti Vikse Meland – kjvi@norceresearch.no
Jason Deegan – jade@norceresearch.no
Emelie Langemyr Eriksen – aeri@norceresearch.no
Christina Nodeland Larsen – clar@norceresearch.no
Samson Afewerki – saaf@norceresearch.no
Ursula Landazuri-Tveteraas – urla@norceresearch.no
Henrik Lindegaard Andersen – hean@norceresearch.no
Professor in Innovation Studies Director of Centre for Innovation Research E-mail: rune.d.fitjar@uis.no

Senior Advisor Email: hilde.sandvold@uis.no Phone: 51831619 Office: EOJ 206
Doctoral Theses Defended
List of doctoral doctoral theses defended at the Centre for Innovation Research.

10.11.2023 Raj Kumar Thapa: Responsible innovation as a driver of regional policies and innovation and entrepreneurial practices: The context of digitalisation of healthcare and welfare services
17.03.2023 Jason Deegan: Regional transformation: Between policy intervention and knowledge dynamics?
06.12.2021 Murshid Ali: The impact of Norwegian government funding policies through the lens of an entrepreneur
21.05.2021 Saeed Moghadam Saman: Intersectoral collaborations of doctoral researchers and generic skills acquisition: A critical realist inquiry
10.05.2021 Kwadwo Atta-Owusu: Promoting academic engagement in regions: How individual and contextual factors shape engagement activities
08.04.2021 Jonathan Muringani: Institutions and regional development: A panel data study of EU regions
24.03.2021 Utku Ali Rıza Alpaydın: University-industry collaborations (UICs): A matter of proximity dimensions?
03.04.2020 Nina Hjertvikrem: Collaboration in research and innovation networks
10.09.2019 Silje Haus-Reve: Exposure to diverse knowledge as driver for innovation and productivity
04.06.2019 Hilda Bø Lyng: Opposites Attract: Knowledge transfer in cross-industry innovation
02.11.2018 Gry Cecilie Høiland: Frontline policy implementation in public organizations. A sociological analysis of the ‘how and why’ of implementation gaps
20.01.2017 Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen Solheim: Innovation, space, and diversity
12.02.2016 Hilde Ness Sandvold: Econometric analysis of innovation, productivity growth and efficiency: Applications to the Norwegian salmon farming industry
29.01.2016 Arne Sørvig: Essays in aquaculture economics and marketing